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AKC Star Puppy Class
This is for dogs 6 months and under working on basic obedience skills to pass the akc star puppy test. I only set up one class depending on how many…
Vintar Fitdog Community Run
White Tanks Waterfall Hike. Vintar Social Class going out in public to exercise and socialize, learning manners as we walk together as a community.
Bailey estimated due date
german shepherd puppies
Jewel / Rebel start of puppy pick
Families pick their puppy at 5 weeks in order of deposits. They will get an hour to play with the puppies to decide who will be their next family member.…
kasey pups take home
kasey puppies go home
Jewel / Rebel puppy visit day
Puppies will get an hour weekly visit with their families before take home scheduled once a week.
akc cgc class
class to work specifically on passing the cgc test, more one on one help with basic obedience.